Sub-Atlantic Mojave (new)
Rovco Ltd.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Our Sub-Atlantic Mojave ROV is the workhorse of the Rovco fleet. With a 12kg payload and a CAT7 Ethernet tether, we’re able to attach a large variety of ROV survey and tooling equipment to it, including our 5 function Hydro-Lek manipulator skid. Adding our optional equipment makes this vehicle an extremely useful all round ROV, able to operate in stronger currents than similar ROVs and with more power than the similarly sized Seaeye Falcon, it’s also better equipped for the UKs inshore conditions. While normally mobilised in the Rovco ROV Support Vehicle, we’re able to get a fully functional, completely mobilised, best in class survey ROV to your Inland UK site, or inshore vessel within hours. The Mojave also packs into an air shippable crate and can be ready to fly from Heathrow within 24 hours, this fully spared, very capable ROV and has completed several successful projects around the globe and continues to work for Rovco as our main R&D vehicle when not on other projects.