Seaeye Cougar-XT (new)
Rovco Ltd.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
In the range of light work class ROV’s the Seaeye Cougar-XT is one of the most powerful tools available. Our Cougar-XT is a highly flexible and extremely powerful electric ROV. It can reach working depths of up to 2000m. The ROV is fitted with six 500 Volts DC thrusters making it the system of choice in strong tidal currents. With its increased thrust, load carrying capacity and tooling skid options, this ROV is very versatile. Besides standard tasks such as observation and inspection, our Seaeye Cougar-XT can be used for a broad range of survey and mechanical activities. The Seaeye Cougar-XT is an established, multi-purpose ROV recognised for its capabilities and provides the ability to undertake a range of demanding work tasks at much lower operating costs.