Polypropylene Pump (new)
Plasto Pumps & Valves
Plasto Pump
(SKU: 1)
Complete contact parts are made from Polypropylene, metal shaft is encapsulated in Polypropylene heavy duty sleeve. These pumps ensures excellent performance while handling corrosive and hazardeous chemicals like HCL, H2SO4HNO3 and low to high Ph chemicals.
Bearing housing consists of three bearings, for giving smooth, torque-free balanced drive.
Impeller is micro balanced to provide frictionless flow.
Though internal cooling spray nozzle is already provided, me-chanical seal can be kept cool either by storage of ample water : both the options are provided.
Gland suction design is excellent for positive suction.
€¢ Suction to discharge flow-way is directed to crease negative pressure on mechanical seal. Hence, ensures optimum leakage-free service, even it mechanical seal fails. €¢ It also facilitates to create empty chamber just operating suction and discharge valves respectively before stopping the pump.
Priming Chamber is Specially designed for giving speciality to centrifugal pump to use as a self priming system.
Other speciality is in-built strainer to strain foreign particals, stopping severe damage to the pump. Special sizable toughned glass is attached indicating the strained deposited material, and also to check the flow passing on-line. Allows easy cleaning by removing glass.
Source:- http://www.plastopumps.com/polypropylene+tripod+mounted+vertical+centrifugal+process+pumps.html