Monoblock Pumps (new)
Plasto Pumps & Valves
Plasto Pump
(SKU: 1)
Plasto Pump
(SKU: 1)
Monoblock type PP Pumps which are small, economical and easy to use and maintain. Ideal for transfer of corrosive liquids, pharmaceutical products, food and dairy products, chemical transfer and filtration etc. These pumps are specially designed to give high head & capacity. Std. pumps are available with PTFE gland packing and NFLP motor. Flameproof motor can be supplied on request.
At 2900 RPM Max, Temp. 80o C
Pump Model HP Size Max. Capa. LMP Max. Head Mtrs.
PP-25 0.25 ½" X ½" 50 8
PP-50 0.50 1" X 1" 100 12
PP-100 1 1" X 1" 150 18
PP-150 1.5 1½" X 1" 200 22
PP-200 2 1½" X 1¼" 300 25
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