- Designed to support heavy duty coiled tubing down hole tool strings.
- Rugged hanger body for safe working during high well pressures.
- Suitable for tubing sizes up to 3 1/2” O.D.
- Flanged side outlet provided at user’s requirement.
- Available in all API 6B & 6BX flanged connections and working pressure.
- Provided with a wireline entry sub to guide wireline tools into the bore of the tubing. This sub provides secondary annulus seal and prohibits upward movement of the tubing.
Sources:- https://parveen.in/products/coiled-tubing-hanger/
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Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Parveen Industries was established in 1960 with an aim to manufacture steel pipes/conduits for buildings and power projects. From 1974, the company started serving the oil and gas industry and today it is one of the leading oilfield equipment companies of the industry. Major and independent oil producers from across the globe are in the customer list of the company. Parveen is continuously working towards providing innovative solutions to the industry in order to serve better.