MPC Technology for oil wells production increase
Stimulation of 9 oil wells with MPC Chemicals
Stimulation of 9 oil wells with MPC Chemicals
MPC Method was created by team of ESTC scientists.
This is a unique Method which has no analogues in the world. The main principle of MPC Method is to deliver Chemical Components (produced by ESTC) to the well bottom where chemical reaction will be launched. A number of different hot chemically active gases are to be generated in the bottom hole of the well during the chemical reaction is in the progress. This hot gas moves through the formation and reacts with rock and hydrocarbons and its components. The gas mixture consists of atomic and molecular hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon oxides, vapors of nitric and hydrochloric acids, etc. All these components have multifunctional impact on the fluid and rock and resulting energy evolving.
The following processes take place in the reservoir during the reaction:
· breaking down chemical bonding between rock and hydrocarbons;
· short term in-situ cracking pyrolysis of heavy hydrocarbon fractions;
· temporary temperature increase (up to 500 C) of active well zone
· creating a new micro fractures and channels;
· enlarging of existing channels and pores;
· pay-zone cleaning form mud and contamination with heavy components of oil;
MPC Technology is represented by two companies: Prestil Energy Ltd. and ESTC
Prestil & ESTC owns all necessary certificates for Technology implementing in any part of the world.
Prestil Energy Ltd. – a partner of ESTC company with UK registration. Prestil was established for representing interests of ESTC out of Ukrainian territory.
East Scientific and Technological Center Ltd (ESTC) – the company with Ukrainian registration, the patent holder company, the scientific and technological base for technologies research and development. The company with a great experience in oil&gas industry with highly qualified staff.
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