Headquartered in Ahmadi (Kuwait), Kuwait Oil Company is a subsidiary of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, a government-owned holding company. KPC is involved in exploration, drilling and production of oil and gas within the State of Kuwait. Further, the company’s activities incorporate the storage of crude oil and delivery to tankers for export.
In the year 2013, Kuwait was recognized as world's 10th largest petroleum and other liquids producer and claimed the position of the 5th largest exporter in terms of volume of crude oil and condensates. Jamal Abdulaziz Jaafar is the Managing Director of Kuwait Oil Company.
Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.), Ahmadi 61008 Ahmadi, , Kuwait
3,142,706 KD'000
12,671,397 KD'000
7,565 KD'000
3.151 Million bopd
To be an upstream leader recognized globally for excellence
Strive for World-class Operational Excellence
Optimize Portfolio Management
Achieve sustainable crude oil production capacity
Achieve sustainable non-associated gas
production capacity
Replace Reserves to sustain production
Facilitate Technology and Capability Transfer
Actively manage stakeholders to satisfy Kuwait energy demand efficiently
At KOC, CSR is viewed as a comprehensive set of policies and programs that are incorporated into the firm’s business operations considering the past, present and future results. KOC has taken great initiatives in the field of health, education and community welfare in order to contribute to towards sustainable development. This energy major has also made concerted efforts to rehabilitate and restore the natural environment of Kuwait. KOC runs several campaigns for safe drinking water, saving electricity, blood donation, healthy workplace and so on to achieve its CSR vision.