Crimson Oil Tools Pvt. Ltd.
Crimson Welded Bow-Turbolizer is built with “turbolating” Fins added to the bow springs. the fins are made of heat-treated alloy steel. This makes them flexible, which minimizes damage while moving down hole. The fins direction can be made in both right and left hand versions to assist in the uniform displacement of the cement. . The turbolizer have Bows strongly welded onto the outside of the end collars under required temperature and condition with correct grade electrode. Welded Turbolizer is ideal for deviated and horizontal well.
Welded Turbolizers are available in the same sizes and bow heights as centralizers. Turbolizer undergo a special process of rust prevention before powder coating.
Hinged Welded turbolizer are available in sizes 4½” to 20″.
Recommended for use with all standard casing grades