Hinged Welded Bow Spring Casing Centralizer (new)
Crimson Oil Tools Pvt. Ltd.
Crimson Oil Tools
(SKU: 1)
Crimson Oil Tools
(SKU: 1)
These centralizers are designed to exceed the performance requirements of API Specification 10D for both starting and restoring forces. High-quality Bows made of special alloy steel with uniform hardness provide optimum performance.
The bows with extended profile prevent them from hitting against casing collars. The centralizers have spring Bows strongly welded onto the outside of the end collars under required temperature and condition with correct grade electrode. Design and processing feature for hinges, hinge pins, bow springs are similar as non weld bow spring centralizers. Centralizers undergo a special process of rust prevention before powder coating.
The Hinged Welded Bow spring centralizers are available in sizes 4½” to 20″.
Recommended for use with all standard casing grades.
Sources:- https://www.crimsonoiltools.com/product/hinged-welded-bow-centralizer-2/