What is
Augury 2022?

Energy Dais presents "Augury: Energy Excellence 2022" , a space which provides opportunity to recognize 300 energy companies in 30 categories with their achievements across the energy sector. The spread of your limelight will reach to the top level management influencers and decision-makers, providing an ideal vehicle for networking and branding of your organization as one that pursues excellence.

Virtual Showcase of 300 energy professionals & companies

Featuring Trending technologies

Staring Prestigious Legacies

Highlighting trail Blazing Companies


Achieve Global Visibility

180+ countries of 7 continents,with access to reach more than 2 Million energy companies

Peerless Opportunities

Market your brand, reach new customers, compete with your peers, generate leads, improve your public perception, & gradually increase sales

Rise like a Phoenix

Opportunity for Recognition, Respect, & Prestige for your company, your brand, your department, your agency — and you.

Virtual Audience

With a Pandemic beating the world, creating an image of success and authority for your business virtually isa smart way to win more customers

Evolution of
Energy Landscape

We will increase awareness & highlight the importance of excellence Branding in the swiftly changing energy sector showcasing and honoring companies and the people behind them.

Media Partners

Let's Have a Virtual Coffee with Augury