Plot # 13 &14, Phase 5,Street 136 &73, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
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<p>Available with up to 5 vertical fans and high surface area, the M Model provides maximum cooling performance for high horsepower, engine-driven engine cooling and gas compression applications. Narrow width and skid mount facilitate cost effective transport and efficient installation at site.</p> <ul> <li>Forced draft</li> <li>Single or multiple fan (up to 5)</li> <li>Fan sizes 72" to 156" diameter</li> <li>Engine driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 90,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div>Principal applications:-</div> <div> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul> </div>
<p>Induced draft cooler offering high heat transfer surface area and a single fan diameter up to 168”. Chart ergonomic design incorporates access panels to facilitate easy maintenance.</p> <ul> <li>Induced draft</li> <li>Single fan</li> <li>Fan sizes 48" to 168" diameter</li> <li>Engine or electric motor driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 70,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div>Principal applications:-</div> <div> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul> </div>
<p>Rugged, robust, reliable solution for a variety of cooling applications through a range of options – induced and forced draft, engine or electric drive and belt or direct drive.</p> <ul> <li>Available as forced or induced draft</li> <li>Single fan</li> <li>Fan sizes 36" to 72" diameter</li> <li>Engine driven</li> <li>Belt or direct drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 12,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 5 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p>Principal applications:-</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> <li>Trim cooling</li> <li>Industrial cooling</li> </ul>
<div>An ACHX (or Fin Fan Cooler) is a simple pressure vessel that uses ambient air to reject heat from a liquid or gas. Unlike other types of heat exchanger no cooling water is required and operational costs are minimal.</div> <div> </div> <div>Electric motor driven, horizontal fin fan cooler, available in both forced and induced draft, the H Model is typically employed in high horsepower natural gas, hydrocarbon and petrochemical processing services.</div> <div> <ul> <li>Available as forced (HF) or induced (HI) draft</li> <li>Single or multiple fan (up to 4)</li> <li>Fan sizes 36" to 168" diameter</li> <li>Electric motor driven</li> <li>Belt or gear drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 200,000 ft<sup>2</sup> per bay (multiple bays can be linked for a single service)</li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Foundation mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access (HF model)</li> <li>Galvanized structure and zinc metallic headers as standard</li> </ul> <p>Principal applications:-</p> <ul> <li>Natural gas processing (acid gas removal, dehydration, NGL recovery, mercury removal, fractionation, sweetening)</li> <li>Hydrocarbon processing</li> <li>Petrochemical processing</li> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> <li>Refrigerant condensing</li> </ul> </div>
<p>Horizontal inlet with top vertical discharge of hot air, the rugged, compact, forced draft S Model is typically utilised for engine cooling and in gas compression.</p> <ul> <li>Forced draft</li> <li>Single fan</li> <li>Fan sizes 48" to 168" diameter</li> <li>Engine or electric motor driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 75,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> </ul> <p>Principal applications:-</p> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul>
<p>Available with up to 5 vertical fans and high surface area, the M Model provides maximum cooling performance for high horsepower, engine-driven engine cooling and gas compression applications. Narrow width and skid mount facilitate cost effective transport and efficient installation at site.</p> <ul> <li>Forced draft</li> <li>Single or multiple fan (up to 5)</li> <li>Fan sizes 72" to 156" diameter</li> <li>Engine driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 90,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div>Principal applications:-</div> <div> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul> </div>
<p>Induced draft cooler offering high heat transfer surface area and a single fan diameter up to 168”. Chart ergonomic design incorporates access panels to facilitate easy maintenance.</p> <ul> <li>Induced draft</li> <li>Single fan</li> <li>Fan sizes 48" to 168" diameter</li> <li>Engine or electric motor driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 70,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div>Principal applications:-</div> <div> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul> </div>
<p>Rugged, robust, reliable solution for a variety of cooling applications through a range of options – induced and forced draft, engine or electric drive and belt or direct drive.</p> <ul> <li>Available as forced or induced draft</li> <li>Single fan</li> <li>Fan sizes 36" to 72" diameter</li> <li>Engine driven</li> <li>Belt or direct drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 12,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 5 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p>Principal applications:-</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> <li>Trim cooling</li> <li>Industrial cooling</li> </ul>
<div>An ACHX (or Fin Fan Cooler) is a simple pressure vessel that uses ambient air to reject heat from a liquid or gas. Unlike other types of heat exchanger no cooling water is required and operational costs are minimal.</div> <div> </div> <div>Electric motor driven, horizontal fin fan cooler, available in both forced and induced draft, the H Model is typically employed in high horsepower natural gas, hydrocarbon and petrochemical processing services.</div> <div> <ul> <li>Available as forced (HF) or induced (HI) draft</li> <li>Single or multiple fan (up to 4)</li> <li>Fan sizes 36" to 168" diameter</li> <li>Electric motor driven</li> <li>Belt or gear drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 200,000 ft<sup>2</sup> per bay (multiple bays can be linked for a single service)</li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Foundation mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access (HF model)</li> <li>Galvanized structure and zinc metallic headers as standard</li> </ul> <p>Principal applications:-</p> <ul> <li>Natural gas processing (acid gas removal, dehydration, NGL recovery, mercury removal, fractionation, sweetening)</li> <li>Hydrocarbon processing</li> <li>Petrochemical processing</li> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> <li>Refrigerant condensing</li> </ul> </div>
<p>Horizontal inlet with top vertical discharge of hot air, the rugged, compact, forced draft S Model is typically utilised for engine cooling and in gas compression.</p> <ul> <li>Forced draft</li> <li>Single fan</li> <li>Fan sizes 48" to 168" diameter</li> <li>Engine or electric motor driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 75,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> </ul> <p>Principal applications:-</p> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul>
<p>Available with up to 5 vertical fans and high surface area, the M Model provides maximum cooling performance for high horsepower, engine-driven engine cooling and gas compression applications. Narrow width and skid mount facilitate cost effective transport and efficient installation at site.</p> <ul> <li>Forced draft</li> <li>Single or multiple fan (up to 5)</li> <li>Fan sizes 72" to 156" diameter</li> <li>Engine driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 90,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div>Principal applications:-</div> <div> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul> </div>
<p>Induced draft cooler offering high heat transfer surface area and a single fan diameter up to 168”. Chart ergonomic design incorporates access panels to facilitate easy maintenance.</p> <ul> <li>Induced draft</li> <li>Single fan</li> <li>Fan sizes 48" to 168" diameter</li> <li>Engine or electric motor driven</li> <li>Belt drive</li> <li>Cooling surface area up to 70,000 ft<sup>2</sup></li> <li>Up to 7 individual services</li> <li>Skid mounted</li> <li>Easy tube bundle access</li> </ul> <p> </p> <div>Principal applications:-</div> <div> <ul> <li>Engine cooling</li> <li>Gas compression (stage cooling)</li> <li>Lube oil cooling</li> </ul> </div>
Principal applications:-
Horizontal inlet with top vertical discharge of hot air, the rugged, compact, forced draft S Model is typically utilised for engine cooling and in gas compression.
Principal applications:-
Available with up to 5 vertical fans and high surface area, the M Model provides maximum cooling performance for high horsepower, engine-driven engine cooling and gas compression applications. Narrow width and skid mount facilitate cost effective transport and efficient installation at site.
Induced draft cooler offering high heat transfer surface area and a single fan diameter up to 168”. Chart ergonomic design incorporates access panels to facilitate easy maintenance.
Rugged, robust, reliable solution for a variety of cooling applications through a range of options – induced and forced draft, engine or electric drive and belt or direct drive.
Principal applications:-
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